Joe Bates Saga Alternitive Ending
Jan Williams

Chapter 60

.......... Content Warning: This work of fiction contains mature subject matter and graphic sexual language including descriptions of consensual sex between men and women. If you think you can't deal with this story, or if it's illegal to possess such material in your locality, please hit the delete button now. If you're a minor as defined by the laws in your locality then you MUST stop now and go no further. As a work of fiction, any similarities to any person(s) dead, alive, or fictional is merely a really weird coincidence.


.......... Saturday, June 27

.......... Today was Saturday. Jo finally figured it out as she stared at the alarm, wondering why it hadn't gone off. Linda was still in bed, her arm draped over Jo's waist, still head to foot like they had been when they went to sleep. Jo could smell Linda's sex, a faint musty odor of her dried secretions; not as sweet as when they were fresh. It was nine o'clock, time to get up and do something. "Even if it was just to shower and go back to bed," she thought, remembering last night.

.......... Jo thought the last two nights had been turning points in her new relationship with Linda. Whatever the outcome, they were in it for the long haul; they would stay together until events made it impossible to continue. Jo was content with that decision, more content than at any time since the accident; a peaceful kind of contentment.

.......... "Come on, wake up," said Jo as she rolled on her side and gently shook Linda, "time to get on with our lives."

.......... Linda opened her eyes, her face just inches from Jo's crotch. She stared at it for a few minutes as Jo raised her leg to give her a better view.

.......... Linda pressed her cheek against Jo's vulva and hugged her hips. "What a pleasant way to wake up," she said, rolling onto her back and looking up at Jo.

.......... Jo reached over and kissed Linda's vulva and then sat up.

.......... "Yes, isn't it," said Jo, "Lets eat breakfast and take a swim."

.......... "Okay, I have to show a house at one this afternoon and another one at one o'clock tomorrow, but the rest of the weekend is free," replied Linda. "We can plan something to do when I get back this afternoon, I just want to loaf this morning."

.......... They both got up and went to their bathrooms for their morning shower. In a few minutes Jo stuck her head in Linda's bathroom. "How do I douche"? She asked with an embarrassed look on her face. Linda smiled, "I'll be over in a minute." She came over to Jo's bathroom bringing a hot water bottle with a tube and female nozzle attached.

.......... "We'll get you one of these today, meanwhile you can use mine," she said.

.......... Linda turned on the water in the basin and adjusted it until it was body temperature, using her elbow to test it. Then she filled the bottle and hung it on the top of the shower door.

.......... "Get in the shower and put the nozzle up in your vagina, do it slow and let your juices lubricate it ... that's it ... all the way in. Make sure you don't push it up in your uterus but get it up to the top if your vagina," instructed Linda, "now release this little clip and get ready for a pleasant sensation."

.......... Jo released the clip and immediately got a smile on her face.

.......... "Now work it up and down a few times, turning it around as you go, it's best to do this before you shower so you can wash all the residue off," said Linda, "how's that feel"?

.......... "Do I have to stop"? Asked Jo, smiling at Linda.

.......... "You don't want to douche too often," said Linda, trying to suppress a grin, "just when you've got something inside you, like somebodies cum. You really don't have to wash out cum, unless there's a lot of it, you know from several sessions and it's running out. Some of it probably gets absorbed, some runs out and the rest is cleaned naturally. Your natural juices will keep your vagina clean, douching interferes with that process and too much can cause problems."

.......... Linda went back to her bath leaving Jo playing with herself. Jo finished her shower and put on the lime green suit Linda had given her. There wasn't any reason to put on any makeup since she was going to use the pool, she brushed her hair and went into the kitchen for breakfast. Linda was already there. She had her black tank suit on and was eating her usual bowl of cereal.

.......... "Is that all you eat for breakfast"? Asked Jo.

.......... "It had better be all you eat unless you want to gain weight," said Linda. "All that bacon and eggs and toast with jelly and coffee with sugar IS going to make that cute butt of yours grow if you don't slow down. I have a glass of juice and a bowl of cereal with milk in the morning, that seems to be enough for me."

.......... "I'll starve to death," said Jo, mumbling under her breath as she rummaged around, looking for some cereal she liked. Jo found something, got some juice and milk from the fridge and sat down across from Linda.

.......... "You mean this is all you ever eat," said Jo disappointedly.

.......... "Sometimes I splurge and have a couple of waffles," replied Linda, "and then I make up for it by just having a salad for lunch."

.......... "I'll get us a bathing cap so we won't have to fix our hair," said Linda, "they work okay if you don't dive in or hold your head under water much."

.......... Jo got her sunscreen, went out to the pool and sat on one of the recliners. She was putting it on when Linda came out with the caps.

.......... "Here, let me put that on you and then you can do me," said Linda.

.......... "It feels so good when you rub that on me," said Jo, "I wish you could rub it all over me."

.......... "The pool's fenced in, take your suit off and then you can do me the same way."

.......... Jo slipped her suit off and lay on her back while Linda took her time, rubbing the oil over all of her front, making sure she covered Jo's breasts and crotch well. It seemed those parts required a second coat. Then Jo turned over and Linda did the same thorough job on her back side.

.......... Linda lay down on the lounge and Jo started in on her toes, working her way up to her hair line. Linda turned over and thought about last night while Jo finished her back.

.......... They pulled two lounges together and lay side by side on their backs, holding hands, feeling the warm rays of the sun on their breasts. Jo placed her hand on Linda's breast, caressing it like she had done many times before. Linda placed her hand on Jo's vulva, gently rubbing her palm over it.

.......... "I'm going in the water before this gets out of hand," said Linda, as she got up and waded into the shallow end, "I've got to go to work."

.......... Jo joined her and they swam a few laps before getting out and going back to the lounges to sun their backs.

.......... "I've got to get ready," said Linda as she headed for her bathroom. "I'll see you about three and then we can figure out what we want to do."

.......... "Okay, I'll stay here another half hour and then I think I'll shower and read some."

.......... Linda stopped by the pool and kissed Jo goodby on her way to her car. Jo listened to her car as it went down the drive. She was thinking about the commitment she and Linda had made and wondering how she was going to tell Jay. She would have to call Jay and tell him, she went inside and dialed his office.

.......... "Jay Logan please," she said as Jay's secretary answered. His secretary recognized her voice now and usually put her right through.

.......... "Hi, Jo," said Jay, "What's up."

.......... "Can you talk privately"? asked Jo.

.......... "Certainly," said Jay, "what's the matter"?

.......... "Nothing serious," answered Jo, "I just need to talk to you about the relationship among the three of us, you, Linda and me."

.......... "What do you mean 'nothing serious,' our relationship may be the most important thing in my life now," said Jay, "I want to come over there and talk to you in person."

.......... "No, no, I don't want you to," said Jo, "us being together is part of the problem." "Linda is still my fiancee and we are going to stay together until one of us can be changed or everyone has determined that nothing can be done for us." "I understand your feelings for me but this is what I have to do. I hope we can stay the best of friends but I can't trust myself alone with you, except for flying, racquet ball, stuff like that."

.......... "Can I come over and talk to you while Linda's there"? asked Jay.

.......... "Of course, she'll be home around three, how about coming over around four and maybe we can go out for dinner afterwards."

.......... "Fine, see you then, bye."

.......... Jo wondered how this was going to work out, they were all three reasonable adults. They should be able to handle it.

.......... Jo went to her bathroom and filled the tub, she wanted to lie there in a bubble bath for a while and contemplate the consequences of what she had just told Jay.

.......... Last night Linda had shown Jo how a woman's clitoris and vagina really responded to a penis, what a man had to do to give a woman the most pleasure. They had compared how each responded to the different things a man could do with his penis, or his tongue. It was hard to compare the intensity of their feelings but they both liked the same things and it seemed that the intensity of their pleasure was comparable. Jo's sexual desires and enjoyment appeared to be normal. They had made love for a long time and felt good about it.

.......... The night before they had discussed how they could remain together. Linda loved Jo and was determined to stay with her, even if she had to become a man. She was determined about that.

.......... Jo had spent the night before that with Jay, going to him for emotional support over her most significant problem instead of Linda. Would she have gone to Linda instead of Jay if Linda had been a man? Jo thought yes.

.......... She and Jay had engaged in the most intense sex yet. She had actually taken him into her mouth and enjoyed it during their first 69 session. This had been the third time they'd had intercourse and it was getting better each time. Why couldn't it have been Linda's penis that she had first taken into her body? Why did she have to rush it? Why couldn't she have waited for Linda to take her virginity?

.......... It was done and she and Linda would have to live with it. Linda had forgiven her, all Jo had to do was live with herself. She could do that! Tonight's meeting would settle the issue between Jay and her.

.......... Her mind relaxed, the bath felt good as she rubbed her hands over her body, exploring that still developing wonder, a female body. She knew her breasts were bigger and her hips wider. Her pelvis and her hips were still changing. Her pelvis was widening to open up her birth canal and her hip joints were moving apart with her pelvis.

.......... She didn't mind it anymore. It, it felt right somehow, "womanly" to have her body configuring itself for childbearing. "If only she could conceive," she thought, "bear a child fathered by Linda," even the concept of becoming pregnant was somehow, no longer frightening. She realized that her most upsetting moment, outside of that first morning, was when she was told she couldn't get pregnant.

.......... Jo pulled the drain plug and washed off the soapy water under the shower. She looked at herself in the mirror as she dried, enjoying the feel of the towel as she rubbed it over her breasts, and down her body and legs. She put her hand over her crotch, down between her legs. The space between her legs was definitely wider now, another indication of the continuing changes in her body.

.......... Jo considered what she should wear. She didn't want to feel sexy around Jay, not with what they were going to be discussing. She really didn't want to dress up now either, it was too early. Jo selected a plain flesh toned bra and matching panties, shorts and a blouse; that would do for the afternoon, she could quickly pull on some hose and change to a skirt and blouse for dinner.

.......... After eating a sandwich and drinking a glass of milk, Jo found the book she had been reading, got comfortable on the couch in the family room and picked up where she had left off.

.......... The sound of Linda's car in the drive startled Jo, was it three already? She had fallen asleep while she was reading, the book was getting boring; too much technical detail now. Jo went to the door to greet Linda as she came in. She opened the door just as Linda was reaching for the knob.

.......... "Hi Linda," greeted Jo as she put her arms around her and kissed her.

.......... "I haven't been gone that long," laughed Linda as she returned the hug and kiss.

.......... "I know, I just wanted an excuse to hug you, come on in and sit down."

.......... Linda put her bag down and went to the sofa. She sat and pulled her shoes off, sighing as she rubbed her feet.

.......... "I called Jay and told him about the decision I made last night."

.......... "How did he take it"?

.......... "I didn't give him much time to argue about it," replied Jo, "He wants to come over here around four to talk to both of us." "I told him we could go out for dinner afterwards."

.......... "I hope we'll feel like going out together by then," said Linda.

.......... "I think we will, Jay's a reasonable man and I think he understands how I feel. Do you think you'll be okay? Do you mind my having let him come over"?

.......... "No, I'll be okay. I just hope we can all remain friends after this, I know how Jay feels about you."

.......... "He'll get over it," smiled Jo knowingly, "guys survive these things pretty well and head off for another conquest."

.......... Linda changed her clothes to shorts and a blouse too and found a pair of comfortable sandals. The doorbell rang promptly at four.

.......... "Will you get it"? asked Jo.

.......... "Hi, Jay, come in," said Linda as she opened the door.

.......... "Hi, ladies," said Jay as he came in, "is it safe for me in here"?

.......... "Of course, come over here and join us," replied Jo, indicating a chair.

.......... No one said anything in the somewhat tense atmosphere. Finally Jay spoke.

.......... "I asked Jo if I could come over here and talk to both of you. I don't want there to be any misunderstandings between us." "I admit I've fallen for Jo, love for a male friend has turned into love for a woman. I just couldn't help it."

.......... "I know that, and I led you on," responded Jo, "I could have stopped, or at least discouraged it. But my mind has been so mixed up, so confused over my sexuality, I couldn't think rationally." "I think that now my active mind has become mostly female, my male mind mostly memories. Except for occasional lapses, women really don't turn me on sexually now, men do; the one exception is Linda. I had been in love with Linda, I wanted to marry her, before the accident. The sexual part of our relationship is all screwed up but the love is still there and I'm determined to hold onto that until this situation can be straightened out."

.......... "Linda, do you feel the same way about Jo"?

.......... "Basically, yes. I've never stopped loving Joe. I just see him stuck in a woman's body. When I close my eyes and he makes love to me, I still feel Joe touching me, doing all the things he used to do except one. I don't want to lose him and I'm determined to stick this out to the end. I'll do anything I can, even if that means letting them change me into a man."

.......... "Well, I guess that leaves me odd man out doesn't it," smiled Jay.

.......... "No, it leaves you right where you were, the best friend a guy ever had," said Jo, reaching her hand out to Jay. "It's just that you're going to have to direct your sexual pursuits elsewhere, there's a woman out there somewhere who'll make you a better wife than I could ever be."

.......... Jay took her hand and squeezed it.

.......... "I guess I don't have much choice do I," said Jay, "but having you as a good friend is not a bad second choice."

.......... Jo saw traces of tears in Jay's eyes.

.......... "I saw Barb the other day, she hinted something about having dinner together. Is your offer for dinner still open? I'll call her and see if she can join us if that's okay"?

.......... "Fine with me," said Linda, seeing Jo nod her head, "there's the phone."

.......... Jay went to the phone and dialed Barb's number.

.......... "Barb? Would you be free to go out for dinner with me tonight, Linda and Jo have asked me to get a date and come with them? What time? Six, I'll pick you up then, what should you wear? Linda says skirt and blouse would be okay, Bennigan's."

.......... "Did she have a problem with me being there"? asked Jo.

.......... "No, she sounded a little puzzled but she seemed to want to go. Well, I'll go home and change and then I'll pick up Barb and meet you two at Bennigan's about six-fifteen."

.......... "Fine, see you then," said Linda as she saw Jay to the door.

.......... "You really mean this don't you," said Linda.

.......... "No more than you do. Do you realize you told Jay you would be willing to become a man so that we could stay together"?

.......... "I was never more serious in my life. We've talked about this before, it was not a casual decision. We've got an hour before we have to get ready, come to the bedroom with me."

.......... Jo followed Linda to the bedroom and removed her clothes while Linda removed hers. They lay together on the bed, their breasts and legs entwined as they discussed their love for each other.

.......... "There may be one thing that would stop me from becoming a man," said Linda, "I won't be able to give birth, maybe I could use artificial insemination and bear a child and then become a man."

.......... "Would you really want to do that? Is bearing a child that meaningful"? asked Jo. "I guess it is isn't it, I think I want to bear one too."

.......... "You feel that way now"?

.......... "I'm not sure, I think about it sometimes. At first the idea of becoming pregnant sacred me, the thought of a baby coming out of me was repugnant. But recently the thoughts have changed from never to when, it's almost like I was planing on doing it."

.......... "Did you ever want to before"?

.......... "No way. Father one yes but bear one, no."

.......... "Do you think I'll feel that way when I change"?

.......... "If I changed, why wouldn't you"?

.......... "I guess you're right, I hope you are. I wouldn't want to bear a child that wasn't yours anyway. If you could make me pregnant right now I'd let you do it."

.......... "Are you serious"?

.......... "... Yes."

.......... "If I could find a way to get some of the sperm Dr. Krell says my balls are still producing in you would you let me"?

.......... "If only you could."

.......... "Maybe Dr. Krell can."

.......... "What do you mean"?

.......... "What you said, artificial insemination. If Dr. Krell could get some of my sperm out of me he could put it in you."

.......... "Can we go see him Monday? If he can do it I can still bear our child. That would make me so happy."

.......... "Maybe by then they can change you and then I could bear one." "We'll see him first thing Monday."

.......... Finally it was time to get ready to go out. Jo went to her bathroom and took a quick shower, dried herself and put on her makeup. She was getting good at doing it, only an occasional comment from Linda. She used the minimum necessary for casual dress, stepped back from the large mirror and looked at that woman staring at her. She no longer had trouble recognizing the image as herself. A little more brushing for her hair and that part was finished.

.......... Next came her bra and panties and then those pantyhose. A half slip, skirt and blouse, and she was ready.

.......... Linda was finished about the same time and they examined each other. This was another first for Jo, she was actually evaluating Linda's outfit and makeup. They both laughed over what they were doing as Linda led Jo to her car. "Linda was really trying to take on the male mode," thought Jo. She wondered if that was what the final outcome would be, Jay giving away the bride to Linda. What was the masculine equivalent of Linda ... not yet.

.......... Jo got buckled in and Linda drove to Bennigan's. They got there just as Jay and Barb were entering the restaurant. Jo noticed that the parking lot was not too full, they would probably not have any trouble getting a table. Linda parked and they went in. Jay was waiting on them at the door. Barb had already been seated and was waiting on them. Jay led them to the table and they all sat.

.......... Jay had this silly smile on his face as he looked at the three women at the table.

.......... "What's so funny Jay"? Asked Linda.

.......... "Look around the room, do you see any other man with three beautiful women at his table? It's hard enough to find a date with one, let alone three."

.......... "I see your point," smiled Jo as Linda and Barb began to giggle.

.......... "Men," said Linda, "how are you doing Barb, I haven't seen you since the pool party."

.......... "Fine, I've been keeping to my self lately, well, Jay and I had a little misunderstanding about a month ago. I think we've got it straightened out now," said Barb. "Someone told Jay they saw me going into a motel with another guy after I had told Jay I was working late." "I mean, Jay and I aren't all that steady, but he thought I had lied to him and I didn't know what was bothering him. Well, someone told me about what this other person had said and then I knew what was bothering Jay." "Can you follow this"? asked Barb, laughing. "Well, I explained it to Jay on the way over. I had worked on a big contract at the office with three other people until two in the morning." "It must have been someone who looked like me, I don't even know who told Jay."

.......... "It was one of my old girlfriends, I think she was jealous of you and wanted to break us up," said Jay, "It was that side of her that made me stop seeing her."

.......... The waiter brought the drinks Jay had ordered and took their order, steaks all around. Everyone was feeling good about themselves and wanted a good meal to go with the feeling.

.......... "How are you getting along Jo? You look great, beautiful in fact."

.......... "I feel fine Barb, strange but fine. They are still trying to figure out exactly what caused this but there is some hope of a fix, at least they aren't saying there is no hope." "Linda and I are going to stick it out and see if we can get our lives straightened out somehow. This dinner is to sort of celebrate that decision."

.......... The waiter returned with their salads and they started eating, mixing in gossip and general conversation between bites. Finally the main course arrived and the conversation slowed, replaced by the good food. They finished the meal with everybody in a good mood. Linda and Jay split the check and they all went home.

.......... Jo and Linda got home about eight-thirty. Linda found a movie on TV she wanted to see so they watched it from nine to eleven and then went to bed in Linda's bedroom.

.......... "I'm glad Jay and Barb got back together," said Jo as she held Linda in her arms. "It'll keep him off my bones."

.......... "You mean keep you off Jay's bones don't you"? answered Linda to a blushing Jo. "Anyway, I thought I was going to keep you off Jay's bones."

.......... "You could do that without half trying," said Jo as she kissed Linda.

.......... Jo kissed and caressed Linda's body like she used to do, only adding the things Linda and her new experiences had taught her. Linda only felt what Jo was doing in the dark in the room, it was like the best of the old times as she felt Jo's tongue enter her sex. Linda slid around until she had her lips over Jo's little penis, it was indeed like old times. "She could live with this" Linda thought. Sunday, June 28

.......... Jo stretched her arms over her head, thinking how nice it was to not have anything wake her except her mind. She saw Linda beside her, still asleep, and decided to lie there and watch her sleep. They had fallen asleep after their third orgasm and not even pulled a sheet over them in the warm room. Linda was lying on her back, her head and one knee turned toward Jo, her breasts slowly rising and falling with her breathing, her sex exposed to Jo's view.

.......... Jo felt herself getting wet as she watched. This was too much, she slipped out of the bed and went to her bathroom for her morning toilet and self examination. Hard to tell, she would have to wait for Dr. Krell's examination to tell for sure but she felt her breasts were a little larger. Her chest cavity was reducing while her breasts grew, so her bra still fit except it seemed the cup size was now too small.

.......... What was it Karen had told her, 490 cc? What was that in cup size? Her engineer's mind was still working, strange, that seemed to be as efficient as always, maybe that wasn't affected by gender. Score one for Linda. Rice, that was it, fill her bra cup with rice and measure the rice, no, rice krispies, they were light and wouldn't distort the bra.

.......... Jo slipped on a robe, got one of her stiffer bras and went to the kitchen. She found the cabinet where Linda kept her cereal and pulled out a box of rice krispies. She found a measuring cup, filled one of the bra cups and poured it into the measuring cup, a little less that a pint, about 300 cc. "This wasn't very exact" thought Jo, her breast was on a curved chest, extending around the side a ways, "how could she measure it"?

.......... Jo was trying to figure out how to make a mold of her breast when Linda came in the kitchen and saw the mess Jo had made.

.......... "What in the world are you doing," she asked. Jo blushed. "Dr. Krell has been recording measurements of our bodies to see how we're changing," said Jo, "one of the measurements is our breast volume."

.......... "How in the world does he do that"? asked Linda.

.......... "Karen fills a graduated pan with water and we lean over it and submerge a breast in it to push the water out. The change in the amount of water in the pan is the breast volume."

.......... "What are you doing with the rice krispies"?

.......... "Trying to find out how big a B cup bra is. See, I filled the cup with the rice krispies and then poured them into this measuring cup."

.......... "Humphh," replied Linda, it was too early in the morning for her. Linda came back to the kitchen.

.......... "Measure mine," she said, a mischievous grin on her face.

.......... "You're serious aren't you," said Jo, staring at her "find me a one quart measuring cup, marked in cc if you've got one, and bring it in the bathroom."

.......... Linda found a glass one and brought it in. Jo filled it and got Linda in the tub. Then Jo bent her over and tilted her chest until the part where her breast was attached was more or less horizontal. Then Jo raised the cup under her breast until the rim was touching her chest. Linda stood up and looked at the cup. The amount that had spilled out was 480 cc. Then Linda made Jo measure hers, 495 cc.

.......... "Humphh," said Linda again as she dried off, put her robe back on, went in the family room and sat down.

.......... "You're not jealous, are you"? asked Jo.

.......... "Yes," said Linda, a silly smile forming on her face, "come here."

.......... Linda held out her arms for Jo who sat beside her and put hers around Linda.

.......... "How much have yours grown"? asked Linda.

.......... "About ten cc in the last three days. But it's hard to be sure. The measuring technique is not very precise. The curve of your chest messes up the measurement." "That's what I was thinking about when you came in the kitchen, I was trying to figure out how to make a mold of a breast. Then you could measure that."

.......... "They have some stuff they use to make molds of actors faces for makeup," said Linda, "I can get some of that Monday, I'll get enough for both of us."

.......... Jo laughed, wondering if this was as silly as it seemed just then.

.......... They lounged around with nothing on but their robes until Linda had to get ready for her real-estate appointment. She was back by two-thirty. They put on their swimsuits and spent the afternoon around the pool, swimming and lying around, in the sun for a while and then in the shade.

.......... Linda cooked a light supper around eight. They both had to get up early and go to work Monday morning so they went to bed early. They were like a bride and groom on their honeymoon, they made love until eleven when they finally curled up together and went to sleep. Monday, June 29

.......... This time the alarm jarred Jo to consciousness. She woke a sleeping Linda with a kiss and they both went to their bathrooms. They were in a hurry to see Dr. Krell

.......... Linda put on her usual business suit and grabbed some cereal before she headed for her car, giving Jo a hug and kiss on the way.

.......... Jo slipped her cotton panties on and then her gray silk bra. Then came her light gray satin blouse. Those pantyhose followed and then a half slip. She finished it off with her fine wool skirt. Her purse and she was ready to go.

.......... Jo locked the door and drove to work with Linda following her. Jo signed Linda in and found Dr. Krell in the lab.

.......... "Good morning Jo, Linda. What brings you here Linda? Good Morning Dr. Krell," said Linda, looking around to see if they could talk freely. "What I am going to ask you is not a casual request, I am dead serious. Can you extract some sperm from Jo and inseminate me, now before he completes his transformation"?

.......... "You are serious aren't you. A lot of things we are doing have not been done before, Yes, I think it can be done." "Is your menstrual cycle steady"?

.......... "Like clockwork, My last period started Thursday two weeks ago the ... 18."

.......... "I have a short meeting in a few minutes, could you stay and discuss this after the meeting? You may be interested in my announcement also."

.......... "Of course."

.......... "Fine, lets go to the conference room."

.......... "Good morning, greeted Dr. Krell," "I see we are all here except for Dave, and I have already discussed this with Dave so we will not wait for him." "I am running some experiments simultaneously in order to save time, and I believe time is important to you. We did not need the results of the test on the primate in order to safely conduct this part of the experiment. My patient received his first dose Friday evening. It was at the reduced level we believe corresponded your exposure, not the higher level that Norm was exposed to. His transformation was the same as yours, incomplete." "Unfortunately, his ailment was not improved. This was somewhat expected since the affected organ was not one that would be involved in the transformation. However, based on his satisfactory progress over the weekend and your several weeks of good health, he will receive his second dose this evening. If things go well and a uterus forms as expected, Dave will receive his second dose on Wednesday. Satisfactory results for Dave and continued satisfactory progress for my patient and you can expect to receive your second dose on Friday. If there are no questions ... you are free to go unless Mr. Matheney has something for you." "Mr. Matheney."

.......... "No, I have nothing, you're free to go."

.......... Jo talked to Michelle and Tim for a minute.

.......... "Hi Michelle, Tim, how was your weekend"?

.......... "Excuse me, Jo," called Dr. Krell, "could I have a word with you, it will only take a moment."

.......... "Of course Dr. Krell," replied Jo, walking over to Dr. Krell.

.......... "Phil is fine, same as Norm," said Dr. Krell in a low voice. Jo nodded and returned to Michelle and Tim. They both said they were fine.

.......... "Things are moving fast aren't they," said Jo.

.......... "It's strange that I would want to continue to change," said Michelle, "but I guess I need to be a complete something first, before I decide to do anything as risky as changing back."

.......... "I feel the same way," responded Tim,

.......... "Me too, but I don't hold out much hope for us being changed back," said Jo, "I don't mean to dampen your spirits, but we have to be realistic. One of our Y chromosomes is not perfect, almost but not perfect and I think the doctors are afraid to mess with it at this point. I don't think they are going to give up on it but they have too much to learn for us to make plans based on changing back any time soon."

.......... "It looks like we need to plan another pool party soon to celebrate our coming of age," said Jo, trying to leave on an upbeat note.

.......... Michelle and Tim agreed and left together while Jo went over and sat where Linda and Dr. Krell were talking.

.......... Dr. Krell was talking, "the timing may be just right, you should ovulate between Wednesday and Friday." "If we can obtain some of Jo's semen today, Dr. Hopkins could inseminate you daily through Friday."

.......... "Jo, you're going to be a father," said a beaming Linda.

.......... "Lets not become too anxious," smiled Dr. Krell, "Linda, can you go to Hillcrest now? I will make an appointment for you. I know Dr. Hopkins will drop everything to do this. Jo, I will try to schedule your procedure for today."

.......... "We can drive over now," said Jo.

.......... "Fine, I will make the call now, it will only take a minute," said Dr. Krell as he picked up the phone.

.......... "Dr. Hopkins is the gynaecologist that's been following our progress," said Jo.

.......... "That will do, reserve it for me. I am leaving now." "I have an operating room reserved and the CAT scan is available. I will see you both at Hillcrest, see Dr. Hopkins first please." "Lets take both cars," said Jo, "we may need them."

.......... Dr. Hopkins was waiting for them when they got there. Karen met them and accompanied them to his office.

.......... "The events surrounding this incident never cease to amaze me," said Dr. Hopkins as he welcomed them. "Linda, please explain this to me, I want to hear you say it."

.......... "So do I," smiled Karen.

.......... "Well, as you know, Joe and I were getting married when this happened to him. Dr. Krell says Joe still has sperm, but that will change on Friday when his transformation becomes complete. I always wanted to bear our child and this may be a way to do it, it's that simple."

.......... "Of course, you realize this would delay any chance of your becoming a man for at least nine months," said Dr. Hopkins. "Jo, you agree with this also."

.......... "Yes, and then I can bear our second child," said Jo.

.......... "Not being able to experience bearing a child is the one thing that has bothered me about becoming a man," said Linda.

.......... "Well, I certainly cannot fault your argument, I would be pleased to perform the procedure for you. It is relatively simple, I have done it many times." "I need to examine you and obtain some information, Linda. I understand your last period began on the eighteenth"?

.......... "Yes."

.......... "The timing is good, Karen, will you take Linda to the examining room and prepare her." "And Jo, Dr. Krell is waiting for you in his office, you know the way by now."

.......... Jo winced at the thought of the examination as she walked to Dr. Krell's office, but then Linda said she was used to them.

.......... Dr. Hopkins told Linda that everything was normal and she should have no difficulty with the insemination. He asked her to stay if she could so he could start the process as soon as the sperm was removed from Jo.

.......... Karen told Linda how to take and record her Basel Body Temperature for the next week, an increase would confirm when ovulation occurred. Dr. Hopkins would start the insemination immediately and continue it every day until the day after ovulation.

.......... "Jo, you're still making history aren't you," smiled Dr. Krell. "Karen will take you for a CAT scan of your lower abdomen. I will have to remove your sperm surgically for obvious reasons and I want as much information as I can get before the operation." "It will be orthoscopic surgery. You will be able to go home as soon as the anesthetic wears off." "I want to obtain as much semen as possible. It will be stored in the hospital's sperm bank in case Linda does not conceive this cycle." "I would also suggest that you not undergo the completion of your transformation until we have confirmed that she is pregnant."

.......... "Come with me Jo," said Karen.

.......... "Who figured this out"? asked Karen.

.......... "I guess it was both of us. Linda was thinking about never being able to bear a child after she changed and said maybe she could be artificially inseminated and have one before she was changed." "I remembered that I still had balls and we met with Dr. Krell, the rest is history."

.......... "I can't help but admire the two of you, the way you have carried yourselves through this. There must be a great deal of love between you."

.......... "There is, Karen, there is."

.......... "We go in here. As soon as they are finished, come back to Dr. Krell's office."

.......... Dr. Krell got the information he needed and the operation was performed at eleven. Jo had the embarrassing task of stimulating her clitoris to two orgasms in front of the operating room personnel to increase the amount of sperm but it worked and Dr. Krell was satisfied with the results. Jo was ready to leave by one o'clock with nothing more than a large band-aid on her stomach. Linda had already received her first insemination and was waiting for Jo in Dr. Krell's waiting room.

.......... They drove back from Hillcrest with Linda going straight to work.

.......... Linda smiled as she drove back, thinking about those little sperm swimming up her tubes toward her egg, wondering which one would get there first, boy or girl.

.......... Jo stopped off at her apartment to see how it looked after Phil had left. Phil must have cleaned up everything, it didn't look as if anyone had been there. Jo sat and thought about the apartment. She wasn't going to be using it and it was rented furnished. What few things of hers there were here would easily fit in one of Linda's spare bedrooms. There was simply no reason to continue paying rent on it. She would have to talk to Linda about it. Jo started for Linda's and then remembered the molding compound Linda was bringing home. Jo stopped by a hardware store and picked up some cheese cloth and then drove on to Linda's and went in.

.......... "That was good news about Phil," thought Jo. What a strange set of circumstances that had been. Honeybone was using some government funds to develop the GPS and Mr. Teasdale, having been a naval intelligence officer, had mentioned the accident to someone in the intelligence community. The CIA had worried about sabotage and looked into it. Someone there needed to hide an operative from the bad guys and sent him down to look it over, Phil probably wasn't his real name either. Whoever he was, Jo had flown him down as one of Teasdale's assistants. He spent two days and one night here and just disappeared. A new woman with a fake untraceable background popped up somewhere else and went on with her life.

.......... Jo decided she needed to wash some clothes. She changed into some old shorts of Linda's and a T shirt. She would need to wash two loads since there was a mix of things to wash. There were some of Linda's jeans in her hamper so she put them with hers. Jo was pleased with herself, she was learning how to wash this wide mix of clothing, not as simple as men's clothing. She straightened up her room and added some bed linen to the pile.

.......... Jo was hungry, past lunch time. She found something to make into a sandwich and ate that. She figured there must be something better to do than watch clothes wash and decided to wash her car. It had needed it for several days. Linda washed her car and Jo was able to find what she needed in the garage. Jo went inside and put the first load in the dryer, started another in the washer and went back to her car.

.......... Jo stepped back and admired her first car wash, "not bad for a woman," she thought. Time to shift clothes again. The last load went in the washer, another forty-five minutes and she would be through.

.......... Linda came home just as Jo was taking the last load out of the dryer, "perfect timing" she thought as she went to the door to welcome Linda home.

.......... "Hi, Linda, how was the rest of your day"?

.......... "You mean outside of getting pregnant? Fine, what have you been up to"? asked Linda, seeing the pile of clothes on the sofa.

.......... "Just washing clothes, and I washed my car too," smiled Jo, "I did your jeans and bed linen along with mine."

.......... "Thanks, Jo. I got that mold compound," said Linda, holding up two cans of something and putting them on the counter.

.......... "Will making me pregnant delay your treatment in the cage"? asked Linda as she pulled Jo to her, pressing their hips together as she leaned back to look in her eyes. "Are you sure we can live like this for nine months"?

.......... "There's no way I would deny you this opportunity," said Jo, "I'm not sure about the delay, that wouldn't matter anyway. I can do that anytime now that we know what to do. I can live with a screwed up sex life too, besides, we're not doing all that bad are we"?

.......... "I'm not," said Linda as she gave Jo a big kiss, "Let me change, I'll be right back."

.......... Linda changed her clothes to shorts and a T shirt and showed Jo how to fold the freshly washed clothes and where to put them.

.......... "You're not wearing a bra," said Jo, "doesn't it bother you for your breasts to bounce around like that, your nipples rubbing on your shirt"?

.......... "No, remember, they grew on me a little at a time. Their bouncing was just ... normal, a part of me. This shirt is soft too, most of my shirts and blouses don't bother me ... maybe during my period sometimes."

.......... "I guess mine are overly sensitive while they're growing like this, Karen said something about hers being sensitive when they were growing." Jo removed her T shirt and took her bra off. "I'll try mine like this for awhile," she said as she put her T shirt back on.

.......... "I guess they don't bother me as much now," said Jo as she shook her chest, watching them jiggle under her T shirt. "It feels sort of sexy like this anyway."

.......... "Yes, doesn't it," said Linda, smiling as she shook hers. "I go like this a lot when I'm alone in the house. I get tired of wearing bras all the time."

.......... "I want to try that stuff you got," said Jo, "I think I'll try it in the bathroom in case I spill any."

.......... "The man I got it from said it won't hurt your skin and it dries fast, just a few minutes. You put it on with a brush, several coats, and then peal it off after it dries."

.......... "I got some cheese cloth to use between coats. That will stiffen it so it will hold it's shape. Got any scissors"?

.......... "I'll bring them in."

.......... "Now, how do I do this," said Jo as she removed her T shirt. "Do I stand up while I put it on or bend over"?

.......... "Let me see," said Linda, examining Jo's breasts while she stood. "Bend over slowly and let me see what happens ... they don't change much ... they get a little more pointed when you bend over. Yours don't have a crease under them like mine do."

.......... Linda removed her T shirt and showed Jo the crease where they joined her chest at the bottom.

.......... "See, they hang down and then curve back up," said Linda as she turned sideways and held her arm up so Jo could see. "Now watch when I bend over ... see, they hang straight down now ... the crease is gone. Do yours bent over and I'll do mine the same way."

.......... Jo cut the cheese cloth into narrow strips about a half inch wide and bent over, resting her arms on the counter while Linda brushed the first coat on her right breast. Jo felt her nipple harden as the compound cooled from the evaporation of the solvent. Linda held a mirror so Jo could press the stripes of cloth into the soft compound. She covered her entire breast and out onto her chest a ways. It dried in about five minutes and Linda applied a second coat. Jo put another layer of cloth on and let it dry. She could feel it stiffen significantly with the second coat. They put on three more coats before Jo was satisfied that the mold was stiff enough. The weight of it was starting to pull it off her breast. Jo pulled it the rest of the way off and they examined it. Every detail was there, the nipple and areola, even faint outlines of blood vessels.

.......... Linda bent over and Jo made her mold without any problems. It took less than a half hour to complete the job.

.......... Jo used the scissors and carefully trimmed away the part that extended out on their chests and they had two accurate molds.

.......... "I feel silly doing this," said Linda.

.......... "Me too," said Jo, "but it may serve a useful purpose for Dr. Krell, besides, It felt sort of sexy doing it,"

.......... They put their T shirts back on and took the molds outside. Jo got the bag of sand she had used before, dampened some of it and filled the molds. She dumped the sand into Linda's measuring cup, 495 cc for Jo and 480 for Linda, almost the same as before.

.......... "I need to get some stiff bras with different cup sizes and measure them," said Jo, "are all of yours B cup? Is a B cup for a 34 the same size as a B cup for a 36"?

.......... "I'm not sure," said Linda, "I don't think that's going to work anyway. They don't cover all of your breast and cup size is just the difference in the circumference of your chest above your breasts and over the fullest part of your breasts. Each inch is one letter size, two inches is B, three inches is C and four is D. If your breasts hang down a lot and your bra pulls them up, you'll need a larger cup, you just try them on until you find one that gives you the shape you want and feels comfortable."

.......... "Oh," said Jo. "Well, so much for that. In any case I've got a way to make accurate volume measurements." "I guess it wasn't that much better though, the pan of water is probably good enough."

.......... "They don't weigh very much either," said Jo. "Body tissue weighs about the same as water. That's only about a pound apiece, they sure seemed a lot heavier when I first got them." "I bet Dolly Parton's weigh three or four," laughed Jo.

.......... '"I think I heard somewhere it's over four," said Linda.

.......... "Lets go to the mall," said Jo, "I need another casual dress and a lighter dress skirt for work, I guess I need a couple of larger bras too. We can get something to eat there and not have to fix anything here."

.......... "Are you willing to go like this"? asked Linda, shaking her chest.

.......... "Why not, it'll be easier to try things on this way," grinned Jo.

.......... Linda drove again and they parked near an entrance to Dillard's. Linda led the way and soon Jo smelled the cosmetics she remembered from previous visits. She resisted the impulse this time and followed Linda to the dresses. They picked out a casual print and then found a light weight dress skirt that Linda said would be fine for the office.

.......... "I need a larger bra," Jo told the sales woman. "I think a 34 C, in flesh tone cotton."

.......... "We'll try one on you," said the sales woman as she led the way to the lingerie department. "Do you want some cleavage"? Jo was getting used to these questions now and decided she did.

.......... "Yes, and front close." She found one and accompanied Jo to the fitting room. Jo removed her T shirt and put on the bra, watching the woman as she stared at Jo's firm bare breasts. She adjusted the bra straps and felt under the edges for proper fit.

.......... "How does it feel"?

.......... "It feels fine, do you think it's too large"?

.......... "No, you're definitely a 34 and a B would be too small." Jo removed the bra and put her T shirt back on.

.......... "Some women really don't need a bra," the woman mumbled to herself as she left the fitting room.

.......... Jo got a second bra and paid for her purchases.

.......... "How would you like some seafood"? asked Jo as they walked to Linda's car. "We could go to Red Lobster."

.......... "Fine with me, there shouldn't be a crowd tonight."

.......... They were seated without delay and soon had their salad and a drink.

.......... "I stopped by my apartment this morning. Do I need to keep it"?

.......... "I was wondering why you were keeping it. You certainly don't need to as far as I'm concerned. I want you to stay with me." "If, for some reason, you have to move out, I can find you another one. My agency has plenty of furnished apartments."

.......... "I thought I could put the few things I have in one of your spare bedrooms and my bike with yours," said Jo. "I can help you with the utilities and groceries, I insist on that."

.......... Their food came and slowed their conversation while they seasoned some of the things and started to eat.

.......... "I don't have to worry about my lease," said Jo, "I'm on a month to month guaranteed renewal now. All they want is a thirty-day notice." "I'll call them tomorrow and move my things out."

.......... "Michelle has a pickup truck, I'll ask her to help me."

.......... "You sound like you were two big strong men planing to move furniture," said Linda.

.......... Jo looked at Linda and started to blush, realizing what she was doing.

.......... "I guess I did get a little carried away didn't I. It's okay though, I don't have anything heavy to move. Just my clothes and computer, and some books. We'll go slow and take the whole day if we have to. I'll call Michelle when we get home."

.......... Linda grabbed the check and put her credit card on it before Jo could stop her. Jo just grinned. "I could get used to this" thought Jo as Linda drove them home.

.......... After she had put her purchases in her bedroom, Jo dialed Michelle's number.

.......... "Hi, Michelle, Jo. Fine and you? Got any plans for tomorrow, we don't have to go in if we don't want to. Well, I could use a strong back, I'm moving out of my apartment and I was wondering if I could borrow your back and pickup. No, nothing much, no furniture, just my clothes and books, and my computer. Great, what time? Nine's fine. Can you meet me at Linda's? See you then, bye."

.......... "Well, now that you've suckered Michelle into that, come over here and sit by me, I haven't had a good hug all evening." Jo obligingly went over to the sofa and sat by Linda. Jo gave Linda her hug and a lingering kiss as a bonus.

.......... "I think it's time to go to bed," said Jo, "you have to go to work tomorrow."

.......... "You mean time to get in bed."

.......... "Whatever," said Jo as she led Linda to her bedroom.

.......... "Sex is a lot different for me now," said Jo, "not just because I don't have a penis, it's the recovery time. As long as I'm in the mood I can just keep going, it's great."

.......... "I wonder if I'll miss that," said Linda.

.......... "What do you mean"?

.......... "When I change, I'll have your old limitation."

.......... "WHEN you change"?

.......... "I think that's what we're going to have to do, don't you? Isn't that why I'm getting pregnant now"?

.......... "I ... I wish that wasn't it ... but it may come to that."

.......... "At least this part will still be the same," said Linda as she moved down between Jo's legs. Tuesday, June 30

.......... The door bell woke Jo. She grabbed her robe and ran to the door to let Michelle in.

.......... "Hi, Jo, I thought we had a lot of work to do today," smiled Michelle as she came in.

.......... "Sorry, I guess Linda didn't wake me when she left, coffee"?

.......... "Okay."

.......... "I'll put it on and then get ready. I won't be long."

.......... "Yes you will, you're a woman now," teased Michelle.

.......... Jo smiled at Michelle as she headed for her bathroom. She showered quickly, brushed her hair, put on her cotton panties and bra, shorts and a T shirt. She was ready in fifteen minutes.

.......... "How did you do that"? asked Michelle.

.......... "Do what"? asked Jo as she got some cereal and poured herself a cup of coffee.

.......... "Never mind," said Michelle, "I brought some old blankets and some empty boxes, I bet you've got more to move than you think you have."

.......... "You're probably right, I forgot about my tools and my bike."

.......... "Well, ready to start"? asked Jo as she finished her coffee and started for the door.

.......... Jo led the way in her car so they would have it if they needed to go anywhere.

.......... They had the truck about half full when a police car pulled in the drive. The policeman walked over to the truck and asked Jo who she was. It seems one of Joe's neighbors had called the police when she saw two strangers looting Joe's apartment.

.......... "Officer, I think we need to go inside and sit down. This is going to take a while," said Jo. The officer looked at the two young women for a moment and motioned for them to go in the apartment in front of him.

.......... "I AM Joe Bates," said Jo, as she handed the officer her drivers licence "and this is Mike Osborn. We, and two others, were involved in an industrial accident three weeks ago at Honeybone Avionics where we work" "I have some more papers in my desk, I'll get them."

.......... Jo got the letter she had used to get her drivers licence changed and showed it to the officer. So far the officer had not said a word, just stared at the two women.

.......... "Here, call this number," said Jo as she handed the officer the phone book and opened it to the entry for Honeybone Avionics, "ask for the manager of the certification department, he will verify what I have told you. His name is Jim Matheney."

.......... The officer dialed the number and was put through to Jim.

.......... "Mr. Matheney? I am Sargent Nelson of the Phoenix police department. I am at the apartment of a Mr. Joe Bates and ...."

.......... Jim started laughing, cutting the officer off in mid sentence, and told the officer that the apartment now belonged to a Miss Jo Ann Bates. He told him just enough about the accident to convince the officer that Jo was who she said she was. The officer hung up and told Jo that he was not going to tell anyone about this, no one would believe him. He would report it as a false alarm. Jo fixed a pot of coffee and they discussed the event briefly. The officer understood the basics of what had happened but said he couldn't understand how it had happened. Jo told him no one else could either. The officer apologized for the inconvenience and left, shaking his head. He stopped and told the woman who had called, saying simply that Joe Bates was moving and the two young women were helping him.

.......... The woman was Kathy Baker. Jo smiled as she thought about what must be going through Kathy's mind. Here was the man she had been giving the eye to, moving and having two good looking young women do all the work for him.

.......... They finished loading the truck and took that load to Linda's. It only took a few minutes to unload it and put the things more of less where they belonged.

.......... They went to Denny's for lunch and then back for the rest of Jo's things. They took their time loading the books and tool boxes. Even Michelle was struggling with a tool box Joe used to carry with one hand. Fortunately it had a handle on each end so they both carried it to the truck. Jo's bike and that was it. They went inside and systematically went through each room, looking inside, behind and underneath everything in the apartment and garage. Jo walked around outside, picked up her hose and some odds and ends and put them in the truck.

.......... Michelle's house was sort of on the way so Jo got her to stop for her swimsuit. They could use the pool after they had unloaded the truck.

.......... The unloading went well and they were finished by two. Jo let Michelle shower and change in her bathroom while she used Linda's. Jo made some tea and they went out to the pool. It was a nice pool. Concrete with a tilled edge and a wide concrete apron. A permanent roof that ran from the house toward the shallow end of the pool provided shade from the hot sun and covered several chairs and a table. They rested in the shade and drank their tea.

.......... "It looks like you're moving in with Linda permanently," said Michelle, "I guess this is a big commitment for you."

.......... "Yes, you know Linda and I were planing our wedding when this thing happened. That commitment says 'for better or for worse, in sickness and in health,' I guess we're just living up to that." "I needed Linda's support and she was almost as depressed as I was, I guess we needed each other."

.......... "I wish I'd had someone like Linda to help me. I had a hard time of it at first, the nights were bad when I wasn't with you guys." "Dr. Krell helped me a lot, and an aunt on my mother's side came over in the evenings, she helped a lot too."

.......... "Are you ready for Friday"? asked Jo.

.......... "Yeah, I guess I'm looking forward to it, you"?

.......... "I probably won't do it Friday, Dr. Krell took some sperm from what's left of my balls yesterday and we want to see how that comes out." "I'll probably do it sometime next week."

.......... "What do you want sperm for? Oh, sorry, none of my business."

.......... "No, that's alright. Linda and I are going to try to have a child."

.......... "Well I'll be ... isn't that something. That's great!" "Have you told anyone else"?

.......... "No, Tim might be interested," said Jo.

.......... "I'll tell him this evening, Dave too," said Michelle. "Tim and I are going over to Dave's this evening for supper."

.......... "Lets get in the water, I could do with a swim," said Jo, "No, I forgot, I can't. I've got this little hole in my side, you get in."

.......... Linda came home while Michelle was in the pool.

.......... "I thought you two were going to move furniture," she said, "here you are loafing." She jumped back just in time to miss the water Michelle splashed at her.

.......... "You're looking great Michelle," said Linda as she studied Michelle in her swim suit. "You're a beautiful young woman, any woman would envy your figure."

.......... "I'm too big for a woman."

.......... "No, you aren't. You are at the tall end of the average for women, but your proportions are perfect, maybe your shoulders are a little wide, and I can't believe the breasts you guys have," said Linda, blushing at her last comment.

.......... "Are your shoulders getting narrower"? Asked Jo, "mine are."

.......... "Quite a bit according to Dr. Krell's measurements, at least four inches. But I guess some of that was muscle."

.......... "Get your suit and join me, Jo can't get her side wet," said Michelle.

.......... "Why? Oh."

.......... Linda changed quickly and dived in the deep end. They played around for a while and then got out and sat in the shade.

.......... "That felt good," said Linda. "You finished your move"?

.......... "It's all here, I'll show you where I put things, I can move them if you want."

.......... "I'll look, but it's probably okay. You live here too, you know."

.......... "Yeah, I guess I do. It seems strange to say 'my house' though."

.......... "Well, you better get used to it because this is where you live from now on."

.......... "I need to change and get home," said Michelle, "my aunt is bringing someone over she wants me to meet later this evening and then we're going to Dave's for supper."

.......... "Man or woman"? asked Jo.

.......... "Man," blushed Michelle.

.......... "Well, stay out of trouble. Thanks a lot for your help."

.......... "You're welcome. Going in tomorrow"?

.......... "Yeah, I want to watch Dave. See you then."

.......... "We've eaten big meals for the past two or three days," said Linda, "I'm going to change and fix us something lite. How about soup and salad"?

.......... "Fine with me, I need to change too. I'm just going to put on a robe."

.......... Jo changed and came in the kitchen to fix the salad. Linda was already there in her robe, putting the dishes of soup in the microwave. Jo loosed the belts of their robes and put her arms under Linda's robe, pulling their bodies together. Linda put her arms under Jo's robe and kissed her, probing Jo's open mouth with her tongue. Jo leaned back slightly, pressing her pubis against Linda's as she slowly rocked back and forth.

.......... "Lets save the desert for after the meal, I've got to fix the salad," said Jo.

.......... "I'll help you," said Linda as she reached for the fridge door.

.......... "How's your temperature"?

.......... "It's still the same."

.......... "I'm still hungry," said Jo as she finished her salad.

.......... "You're supposed to be," replied Linda, "that's the only way we can make up for the past three days."

.......... "Well, I want desert."

.......... Linda sat at the end of the sofa, put one leg up on the cushion and opened her robe.

.......... "Come here, sit between my legs and lean back against me, take your robe off first." "Jo, do you have any idea how happy I am that I'm going to become pregnant in the next few days? I might even be pregnant now."

.......... "I think so, I'm beginning to understand what being a woman is all about, that's part of why we were created."

.......... Jo smiled as she leaned her bare back against Linda's breasts, feeling Linda reach around and cup her breasts in her hands. "Nice," she thought. Jo got up after a while, turned on the CD and returned to lie on the sofa with her head in Linda's lap. Linda placed one hand on Jo's breast, toying with its nipple while she idly ran her fingers of her other hand through Jo's hair.

.......... Linda worked her arms out of her robe and lay over on her side, her head on Jo's thigh, while she rubbed the soft hair in front of her face; waiting for Jo's clitoris to rise up enough for her lips to grasp it. Linda raised her leg as she felt Jo press her face to her sex.

.......... They went to Linda's bed when the CD finished and slept face to face.

More Joe Bates Saga Alternitive Ending by Jan Williams Next Issue here on Sapphire's Channel!

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