School's Out For The Summer
On the last day of school, Danny, balancing precariously on
a chair, stood on his toes to reach the large paper letters
pinned to the wall above the blackboard. Every week day for one
full semester he had read "Dreams Plus Work Equal Success"
spelled out across the width of the blackboard.  Now he took it
down, one letter at a time.

     Miss Appleby sat at her desk, her body nearly touching
Danny's as she cleaned out her desk.

     "At the beginning of each school year I tell myself that I
am not going to accumulate anything."  Honey Appleby explained to
Danny.  "I say I'm just going to keep what I need and toss out
the rest.  Yet, every year, I end up cleaning out my desk and
wondering from where all this stuff came," she chided herself.
"Are you a pack rat, Danny?  Do you just hold on to everything?"

     Danny unpinned another letter before looking down at his
teacher.  Her thick, honey-colored hair fell across her
shoulders, the wispy ends turning to hug her. From his vantage
point, Danny could see right inside the V-neck cut of her dress
to the soft swell of her breasts.  He reached to unpin another
letter while craning his neck to get a better view.

     "No," he responded absently while staring down his teacher's
dress, "I'm not much of a collector of things."

As he reached for another pin, Danny's body staggered on the
chair.    Miss Appleby dropped a stack of papers and wrapped her
arms around her student's legs.

     "Ooooh!  Be careful, Danny!" she admonished.  "You almost
fell.  That would be a terrible way to end the school year,
wouldn't it?  Falling off a chair and breaking a leg or an arm.
Imagine spending the summer in a hot, sticky cast."

     Grasping the top of the blackboard, looking down at his
teacher's soft cleavage, Danny could only imagine spending the
summer with his teacher's arms around his legs.  He would not
have cared how hot it was.  It was hot in the room now and he did
not want her to let go.

     "Are you okay?" Miss Appleby asked, looking up at Danny, who
nodded.  "Why don't you get down and work on something a little
closer to the ground," she suggested.

     Danny took a quick peek down his teacher's dress before
jumping off the chair.

     "Every part of this classroom holds a memory of the
experiences we had this year," Miss Appleby said dreamily..
"Look, Danny.  See that pointer in the corner?"

     Danny looked at the long stick leaning against the
blackboard.  He frowned when he nodded.

     "How could I forget?" he asked.

     Miss Appleby looked up at Danny and laughed, her blue eyes
sparkling in merriment.  She stood up, her short, sleeveless
dress clinging damply to her skin in the hot room.  She had taken
off her shoes and now walked barefoot over to the pointer.  She
picked it up and turned around.  She tapped the point of it on
the floor.

     "Are you a troublemaker, Danny?" she asked with a giggle.

     Danny responded with a deep frown.  Miss Appleby doubled
over and laughed.

     "Don't you think that was a good trick I played on you for
your birthday?" she asked, happy tears in her eyes.

     Danny continued to scowl.  He bit his lip to keep from
laughing but was finally undone by his teacher's joy.

     "No," he said, grinning broadly.  "I hated that trick!"  he
chuckled.  "That was mean.  That friend of yours was mean.  My
whole birthday was ruined," he declared with a burst of laughter.

     "Uh! Danny!" Miss Appleby gasped.  "Your entire birthday was
ruined?" she asked, her hand over her heart.  "Why, I seem to
remember that your mother came into the class with cupcakes that
she made especially for you.  Your sister came in to wish you a
happy birthday.  Even Jordan's mother, Shania, paid you a visit.
And, don't forget, I was here, too.  The entire class sang "happy
birthday" to you.  Have you forgotten that?"

     "No," Danny admitted.  "And I haven't forgotten that all of
those people spanked me, too.  And the whole class was yelling
out things to spank me for and you were doing it," Danny reminded
his teacher, his smile fading.

     Miss Appleby's eyes grew large.  She put her fingertips to
her lips.  "Oops!" she exclaimed.  "I did spank you, didn't I?"

     Danny nodded.  Miss Appleby giggled again.  "Well, what's a
birthday without a spanking?"

     "Happy?" Danny asked.  "Something to actually celebrate?" he

     "Oh, Danny!"  Miss Appleby put down the pointer and walked
over to him, wrapping her arms around him in a snug embrace.
"You're so funny.  I'm really going to miss you next year."

     Danny hugged his teacher to him and fought back tears.  Next
year! he thought. And no Miss Appleby.  He would visit her
everyday, he decided.  Every day after his last class, he would
come here and they would talk about their day. They would ...

     Miss Appleby let go and took Danny's face into her soft
hands.  "You're my favorite daydreaming little boy."

     "Daydreaming?" Danny asked.

     "Yes.  I believe I mentioned that to Kelly the first time I
met her.  It was at a parent-teacher conference.  I think I told
her that you were a very good student and quite well behaved, but
that you tended to daydream now and again.  I am fairly certain
she spanked you for that.  Right in front of me.  Right on your
little bare bottom.  Yes, I am sure she did.  Don't you
remember?" she asked, her eyes dancing again.

     Danny blushed, feeling the heat throughout his body.  He

     "I seem to remember that I spanked you for it, too, didn't
I?" Miss Appleby asked.

     Danny looked around the classroom, searching for an answer.

     "Let me think," Miss Appleby said.  "Oh, yes!  I remember.
You were supposed to be doing a science project on volcanos and I
caught you looking out the window instead.  Daydreaming.  I
spanked your round, white bottom for that, right here in this
classroom.  Don't you remember?"

Danny nodded again, his face coloring to a deeper red.

     "And then there was the time you didn't complete your math
homework," Miss Appleby mused.  "Oh!" she exclaimed.  "Surely you
remember that spanking.  You were wearing panties.  What a
surprise that was!"

     Danny was certain that every drop of blood in his body had
raced to his face.  He grinned sheepishly, glancing at his

     "I had forgotten to do my laundry," he explained.  "Kelly
told me to wear some of her pan ..., uh, underwear.  I asked for
plain, white cotton, but she didn't have any of those."

     Miss Appleby nodded.  "Quite a surprise," she repeated.
"What else?  Hmmm.  Ah!  Erasers!  Do you remember?  I asked you
to clap erasers for me.  You filled the classroom with
chalkdust," she recalled. "Daydreaming again," she gently chided.
"If I remember correctly, you were paying more attention to my
bottom than to the job you were supposed to be doing.  Isn't that

     Danny sighed and nodded.  If the temperature in this room
was any indication, it was going to be a long, hot summer.  The
ceiling fans moved around and around in a slow, hypnotic rhythm,
prentending to circulate the air, but he didn't feel any cooler.
His t-shirt and jeans stuck to him.  His face was burning.  Miss
Appleby stood just inches from him.  He could feel the warmth of
her body.  He looked down at her bare feet, her little toes
polished in a summer gold as bright as the sun.  He swallowed
hard, his mouth dry.

     "You're just so pretty," Danny managed to murmur, his dark
eyes looking earnestly into his teacher's face.  "I can't help
looking at you."

     "Oh, Danny.  You're so sweet!" Miss Appleby smiled at him
and then kissed his cheek.  "I'm really going to miss you."

     "I'll visit you every day," Danny promised.  "Every day
after class."

     "Well, in the meantime, before I send you off to enjoy your
summer, maybe I ought to give you something to remember me by.
What do you think?"

     "Yes!  Okay!" Danny quickly agreed.  He looked down at her
toes again, at the tiny gold ring that adorned one of them.  He
pointed.  "That would help me remember you."

     Miss Appleby smiled.  "I was thinking more along the lines
of a spanking.  One more for old time's sake," she suggested.
"You're not wearing panties, are you?" she whispered in a gentle

Danny blushed again and shook his head.  "I'd rather have
that ring, though."

     "Well, if you can honestly tell me that you have not
daydreamed at all during the time you've been with me today, I
won't spank you and I'll give you my toe ring," she offered.
"So, what's it going to be?"

     Danny stared into his teacher's bright blue eyes.  Say no,
he demanded of himself.  Tell her you have not daydreamed at all
today.  Tell her, he insisted.

     "A spanking," Danny called out.

     "I knew it!" Miss Appleby exclaimed.  "Come with me, my
daydreaming boy."

     Miss Appleby took Danny's hand and led him to her chair.
After she sat down, she reached over, quickly unsnapping and
unzipping Danny's jeans.  She pulled them down before turning her
special naughty boy over her lap.

     She began with a light spank on each small, round, white
cheek.  Back and forth across Danny's bottom she continued her
almost gentle assault.

     "Daydreaming, Danny.  This is what happens when you don't
pay attention," Miss Appleby scolded.  "I've spanked you for this
several times before, haven't I?  Do you think your next teacher
will let you get away with it?"

     "Noooo!" Danny answered.  "I won't do it anymore."

     "Your next teacher will wonder if I let you get away with
it.  She'll wonder if I ever disciplined you for it.  She'll
think I didn't go a very good job of teaching you to pay
attention," Miss Appleby said, spanking each pudgy cheek with a
crisp smack.  "I can't have her thinking that, can I?" she asked,
punctuating her question with spanks.

     "I'll tell her you did teach me," Danny promised.

     "You will?  But that would mean that she had to ask you
about it.  And if she had to ask, that would mean that you were
daydreaming.  And if you were daydreaming, I didn't teach you to
pay attention.  So, we're right back where we started, aren't
we?" Miss Appleby asked, spanking down to the tops of Danny's
thighs and back up his hot, pink chubs.

     "No!  She won't know about it, because I won't daydream.  I
just did with you.  Not with any other teacher," Danny confessed,
his teacher's soft hand smacking one wiggling, jiggling cheek
before traveling to the other.

     "Really?"  Why me?" Miss Appleby asked, lightly stinging the
chubby arch of Danny's bottom.  Her hand happily struck the warm,
pudgy flesh over and over.

     "Because ..., because, um, Ow!  Oooh!  Stop!"

     "No.  I asked you a question, naughty boy," Miss Appleby
scolded.  "Answer me.  Why me?" she demanded to know, biting
Danny's bottom with sharp spanks.

     "Because you're so pretty!" Danny blurted.  "I was dreaming
about you!" he wailed before bursting into tears.

     "Oh, Sweet Danny!"  Miss Appleby rested her hand on her
student's tingling bottom.  "What a delightful boy you are!"  She
glided her hand over Danny's stinging cheeks.  "I've never had a
student like you.  I'm going to miss you so much!"  She pulled up
Danny's briefs.  "Stand up, Danny," she gently demanded, helping
her student off her lap.  She pulled up his jeans, zipping and
snapping them.  She pulled him onto her lap and wrapped her arms
around him.   "You keep your promise, Danny," Miss Appleby
ordered, "and pay attention in class."

     Danny nodded.  "I will," he promised.  "But I'm not going to
forget you."

     "You won't?" Miss Appleby teased.  "Even if your next
teacher is prettier than I am?"

     "She couldn't be," Danny asserted.

     Miss Appleby laughed.  "Well, I'd better not take any
chances.  I'll give you a reminder."

     "No!  You already spanked me.  I promise I'll pay attention.
I will.  Really."

     "Not that kind of a reminder.  Something that will not fade
over time.  Something permanent."

     Miss Appleby reached down and took the small gold ring off
her toe.  She handed it to Danny and kissed his cheek.


     Danny gave his teacher a quick, firm hug and dared to kiss
her cheek, too.  He stood up and ran out of the room, clutching
the tiny gold treasure in his hand.  He didn't say goodbye, and
he would not.  She'll be there next year, he thought, and he
would see her every day.  And they would talk after the other
students had gone home. Just the two of them, he dreamed.  Danny
slipped the ring into his pocket.  There would never be a